Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, vix eu mundi verterem, his cu viris legimus, pri et deleniti torquatos suscipiantur.

Egedal Housing


NAME OF PROJECT: Egedal Boliger
ASSIGNMENT: Competition
TYPE: Residential, Urbanism
LOCATION: Ølstykke, Denmark
YEAR: 2016
TEAM: Marc Jay, Julie Schmidt-Nielsen, Corrado Galasso, Alexandru Pavel, Thea Gasseholm, Barbara Drud Henningsen, Cristina Batista-Flores, Alicja Szczesniak, Ainhoa Mur


”The new station district” seeks to create a diverse and safe neighborhood that supports holistic and sustainable living. A dense residential area that offers something beyond the usual – with diversity in the residents composition, variety of outdoor spaces and outdoor activities, as well as great homes that support healthy living.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, vix eu mundi verterem, his cu viris legimus, pri et deleniti torquatos suscipiantur.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, vix eu mundi verterem, his cu viris legimus, pri et deleniti torquatos suscipiantur.

“The district offers outdoor space that inspires the active lifestyle, with areas for games, movement and friendship. Other outdoor spaces offer nature experiences and areas for immersion, sensation and tranquility.”


The vision is to create a healthy and green city that encourages movement - walking, cycling, using of public transport and minimizing driving. The district offers outdoor space that inspires the active lifestyle, with areas for games, movement and friendship. Other outdoor spaces offer nature experiences and areas for immersion, sensation and tranquility.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, vix eu mundi verterem, his cu viris legimus, pri et deleniti torquatos suscipiantur.

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