Atlas of the Copenhagens wins Lille Arne award


Atlas of the Copenhagens explores the urban territories of Copenhagen and their connection to terms like livable cities and sustainability in a series of maps, information graphics and text. The book is published by KADK and coedited by WE Partner Marc Jay in collaboration with Deane Simpson, Joost Grootens, Anders Lonka, Kathrin Gimmel and several student groups of KADK.

The book was just this friday awarded with the prestigious Lille Arne Award at the Danish Architects’ Association. The publication won together with ”Hjem-By-Bebyggelser: Bolig og velfærd i København” also published by KADK. The jurys statement reads: “This year, the jury pays tribute to the contribution of critical research in the public debate about Copenhagen’s development. Both books should be mandatory reading for anyone wanting to build or plan in Copenhagen in the future.”

WE are proud of the great review and are happy to be part of the qualified debate about our urban fabric.

WE Architecture