Villa Tipi in BoBedre
The A-frame house, uses reclaimed old wood and cobblestone from the streets of Copenhagen. Its surrounded by Tisvildes beautiful nature and the house seeks to dissolve the transition between indoor and outdoor.
Last Saturday, Assens Kulturkajen was inaugurated.
The project connects the harbor with the town, transforming the former town hall into Multitek, focusing on recycling and circularity. Materials from the historical warehouses at the harbor have been creatively reused. Even the load-bearing structures under the central staircase, also known as the "megafurniture," are made from recycled wood from the old warehouses that were demolished during the harbor redevelopment. Ceiling panels, doors, and furniture - nothing went to waste, as everything was recycled and given new life in Kulturkajen.
Et par detaljer fra Kulturkajen i Assens, hvor gammelt træ med masser af historie og patina leveret af @Gentræ, begynder at transformere det forhenværende rådhus om til byens nye bibliotek og kulturhus. Træet på den indvendige infovæg er hentet fra et gammelt skibsværft, der skulle nedrives på havnen. Og trappen er samlet med synlige bolte, som trækker referencer til skibsbyggeri. De maritime referencer formidler således havnens helt afgørende betydning for Assens i byens nye kulturelle centrum – Kulturkajen - hvor nyt møder gammelt og industri møder kultur i detaljeringen.
Er du projekterende arkitekt med passion for ambitiøs og skelsættende arkitektur? Drømmer du om at følge projekterne fra første skitsestreg til afleveret bygning? Og har du lyst til at blive en del af en idérig og stimulerende arbejdsplads med højt til loftet? Så er dette måske jobbet for dig…
10 years after the project of Ny Våler Church, we have been prequalified to design a new church in Ørestad.
The church will be used for religious celebrations as well as a cultural gathering place for the district surrounding the neighbourhood.
First built as a farm, in 1906 the hotel was converted into a summer boarding house and has since been a great attraction for Marielyst and the seaside of Falster. Now, after three years of intensive renovation, it can welcome again its guests.
WE Architecture’s CEO Julie Schmidt-Nielsen talks about universal design on Rumsans.
In the interview, Julie tells how WE Architecture works with inclusive design processes, supporting equality through architecture.
Er du vant til at stå i spidsen for projekter, og har lyst til at blive en del af en dynamisk, kreativ og uformel tegnestue i hjertet af København? Og har du indgående kendskab til alle byggeriets faser? Så er du måske vores nye kollega.
Vi glæder os til at være med, hvor det sker; nemlig lige midt i Assens, hvor det nye "Fyrtårn", der skal bygges op af genbrugstræ fra nedrevne landejendomme og Multiteket - byens nye kultur- og litteraturhus - kommer til at skabe nye pejlemærker, der formidler en ambitiøs tilgang til bæredygtighed. Samtidig er projektet det første skridt på vejen mod at få vendt havnen i Assens til at blive byens nye hjerterum med kulturattraktioner og gode opholdsmuligheder.
Et rådhus af Arne Jacobsen er måske noget af det mest hellige i dansk arkitektur... Så hvordan viderefortolkes den arkitekturarv og løftes ind i nutidens relevante ufordringer såsom fokus på ansvarligt og bæredygtigt byggeri, borgerettede fællesskaber og det moderne demokrati? Det glæder vi os enormt meget til at komme med løsninger på sammen med resten af vores kompetente holdkammerater. Heya 2021! :-)
Friday WE got the news that Team snøhetta, consisting of Snøhetta Transsolar Spacesyntaxlimited Burkhardhorn adn WE Architecture, has been prequalified for the competition of Jernbanebyen, one of the biggest post-industrial areas in the center of Copenhagen. We are looking forward to give our take on how a sustainable neighborhood in the center of Copenhagen should look like in the future.
Together with our collaborators from byMunch Landscape, Regnestuen, JL Engineers and INN Tegn og Byg, WE are going to create a visionary plan for how to transform the former City Hall and central harbor front in Assens. Team WE are prequalified as one of three teams.
Er du projekterende arkitekt med passion for ambitiøs og skelsættende arkitektur? Drømmer du om at følge projekterne fra første skitsestreg til afleveret bygning? Og har du lyst til at blive en del af en idérig og stimulerende arbejdsplads med højt til loftet? Så er dette måske jobbet for dig…
Vi har travlt med en lang række nye og spændende projekter hos WE. Vi søger derfor en selvstændig og målrettet konstruktør, der kan hjælpe os med at føre dem ud i livet. Så hvis du har lyst til at indgå i et ungt, dynamisk og ambitiøst team, er du måske vores nye kollega. Lyder det som dig? Så læs mere her…
WE follow the Danish government's guidelines and are working from home - like the rest of you - to reduce the spread of COVID19 and to be socially responsible. We believe it is important to keep the wheels running for the common good and continue our operations, from home, as far as possible. In the meantime, we can all be contacted by mail / phone / Skype / Webex / Appear ect, so we are still here…
Yesterday we celebrated that the first project within our partnering collaboration with Boligselsskabet Sjælland - Tofteengen in Roskilde - is now well on its way. The units consist of a modular based wooden constructionsystem, covered with wall boards of recycled paper fibers, resulting in a low LCA.
Inspired by Nobel laureate Elinor Ostrom's research into how people act when it comes to sharing resources, WE are these days exploring what the future resource communities might look like. By constructing buildings and communities that encourage the sharing of both social, economic and environmental resources, we try to address the UN's climate goals. Our vision is to ensure a sustainable architecture - while at the same time, we as individuals gain more from the communities than we each put in. We call it altruistic sustainability.
Read more about our projects, visions and processes in this weeks article featuring WE in Byggeri + Arkitektur HERE
Slagelse Municipality is realizing a new kindergarten with key focus on sustainability, learning, movement and nature. Our proposal for the institution creates awareness in children around natural ecosystems and the use of common resources, while aiming at becoming the first DGNB certified kindergarten on Zealand.
WE har sammen med Mangor & Nagel fået tildelt rammeaftalen med boligorganisationerne i KAB-fællesskabet og skal være med til at forme organisationernes nybyggerier i de kommende 4 år.
Bavnehøj Youth House has won bronze in the 2019 WAN Awards, within the section “Wood in Architecture”.
Almost a year ago the new Campus in Roskilde – Erhvervsakademi Sjælland – opened its doors to welcome inside 1.500 students within the fields of marketing, IT and food engineering. Today the new building on 4.000 m2 is fully utilized, serving the students with flexible educational areas, a wide range of private and semi-private meetings rooms and smaller niches, a modern, public canteen with integrated café and lounge areas as well as production kitchen and administration facilities.
WE just won our second gazelle prize in 2 years. - the prize is given to companies experiencing significant growth. We are proud that our continuous effort to develop our firm is being recognized.
We are currently immersing ourselves in the material of wood and the possibilities of Cross Laminated Timber (CLT) . Wooden buildings can be a sustainable and aesthetic alternative to the monotonous building style that is slowly dominating the cityscape of Denmark. We find that many buildings are constructed in the same style, using variations of bricks combined with an alternating building height and pushes in the facade.
With entries from all over the world, the WAN award competition is the largest and most diverse architectural awards programme in the world, celebrating the outstanding works conducted by imaginative designers, engineers and visionary architects.
In the coming year, the school of Hashøj, Slagelse, will undergo a transformation from being a traditional school to become a local Life and Learning Center - containing both school, kindergarten and daycare as well as a public community center with large-scale common room, multi-functional stage and combined learning furniture and local library.
WE Architecture is pre-qualified with Mangor & Nagel in the competition for the 4-year framework contract for Københavns Almennyttige Boligforening (KAB).
We hope to continue the important work of heightening the architectural standard within affordable and social housing like we did in the project proposal for Øbrohus with KAB. The aim of our proposal is to transform the existing Øbrohus into a new sustainable and green landmark constructed in cross laminated timber (CLT), offering urban farming, green gardens and a public ground floor through a terracing building concept.
Using wood in an innovative and expressive way, Bavnehøj Allé seeks new and ambitious standards within affordable youth housing. Bavnehøj Allé consists of 40 one-room apartments on 38-45 m2, with an impressive ceiling height of 3 meters. All apartments are accompanied with either a generous balcony or terrace. The apartments are detailed with honest materials such as natural wood and raw concrete (load bearing construction).
Back in the days the buildings functioned as a classic, Danish inn that later got turned into a hotel. Now it’s time for new adventures, as the historical buildings at Nørrevang Hotel will turn into Marielyst Badehotel accommodating as a regular hotel, but with exclusive spa, treatment, and wellness offerings.
In the end of June, Marc Jay, partner and co-founder of WE Architecture, was in Romania’s capital, Bucharest, to participate as a jury member for the Bucharest Triennale East Centric Architecture. The theme of this year’s competition was “Home, any, more?” focusing on an interrogative approach of the possibility of being home in today’s world. Here, during the days, Marc also did a lecture about the definition of home in today’s fast-paced and contemporary life and society.