Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, vix eu mundi verterem, his cu viris legimus, pri et deleniti torquatos suscipiantur.

Psychiatric Centre Ballerup


NAME OF PROJECT: Psychiatric Centre Ballerup, new building for treatment of eating disorders
ASSIGNMENT: Invited competition
TYPE: Psychiatric Hospital
CLIENT: Psykiatri Hovedstaden
SIZE: 6.000 m2
LOCATION: Ballerup, Denmark
YEAR: 2014
STATUS: Competition 1st prize, shared
COLLABORATORS: Creo Arkitekter, Oluf Jørgensen Engineers, Terra Nova Landscape
TEAM: Marc Jay, Julie Schmidt-Nielsen, Kristian Hindsberg, Kasper Hansen, Victor Johansson, Pawel Wilgos, Luke Lorimer, Anna Kulig, Pavarthy Nair


The proposal for the new Psychiatric Centre Ballerup is based on a humanistic approach. The ambition is to create a tranquil space for a vulnerable group of patients and relatives combined with an optimal framework for the staff. Building and green spaces enrich each other in a mutually dependent symbiosis. The area's smaller scale buildings are transferred to the new building and expressed in a symphony of pitched roofs and gables reminiscent of a small village with farms - an association which signifies harmony and tranquility.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, vix eu mundi verterem, his cu viris legimus, pri et deleniti torquatos suscipiantur.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, vix eu mundi verterem, his cu viris legimus, pri et deleniti torquatos suscipiantur.

Quotes from the jury report:

‘The downplayed choice of materials witnesses a high level of detailing at the current state as well as a great level of understanding of discrete and downplayed architectural and aesthetical effects. The building is fitted both in an unobtrusive and low-keyed manner into the existing structure and adds a contemporary and emphatic architectural expression.’

‘The proposal fits the extension subtly and respectfully into the existing context (…) It adds a gable motif that opens the communal spaces towards the surrounding park and landscape and at the same time frames terraces and balconies. The committee finds that this simple move adds a subtle, non-institutional appearance with strong positive references to low-dense housing projects of very high quality.‘


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